Tax Advisory & Compliance

Tax Health Check

Tax Health Check can help organizations proactively manage their tax a­airs, minimize risks, and optimize their tax positions. It is often conducted periodically to ensure ongoing compliance and adapt to changes in the regulatory environment. Engaging Ndakala Advisory team with expertise in tax law and compliance will ensure a thorough and independent tax health check for the client.

Tax Due Diligence

This is part of transaction advisory and entails:

  1. Identification and evaluation of tax liabilities concealed inadvertently or otherwise causing impairment of entity liabilities.
  2. Assist in the transaction/ deal structuring.
  3. Uncovering tax planning opportunities not utilized and having potential tax savings.

Tax due diligence initiatives can either be:

  1. Related to the transaction:
    • Mitigating against tax exposures not captured in the purchase price.
    • Planning for tax issues arising from the deal itself
    • Tax efficiency in the deal structuring
  2. Post transaction:
    • Tax efficiency in line with the buyer’s objective.

Tax Agency

Being a tax agent involves assisting individuals and businesses in managing their tax a­airs and
ensuring compliance with the tax laws. At Ndakala Advisory we have professionals who are well-versed with tax regulations, codes, and practices.

Tax Exemptions

Our services include:

  1. Tax-exempt status evaluation
  2. Application preparation & filing
  3. Ongoing support
  4. Exemption certificate

Transfer Pricing

This part entails:
1. Transfer pricing documentation.
2. Transfer pricing risk assessment
3. Bench-making analysis
4. Dispute resolution

Annual Tax Compliance

Upon Audit our team will review your tax status and obligations to ensure accurate submissions
were done during the year. We shall also advise you on the end-of-year taxes to pay by factoring in all the applicable reliefs and ensuring the returns are done within the timelines. This applies to both individual and business taxes. Where applicable we make adjustments in case of omissions and commissions